19,4 x 27,9 cm
104 pages
Offset printing, 2 different softcovers with dust jacket
Price € 39,00
release September 22 at De Garage ( Mechelen )

Elk Island Construction Workers - Moscow
Debby Huysmans’s (°BE,1980) poetic visual language mostly lends itself to rural, small pieces of marked out landscape. In Elk Island Construction Workers she wonderfully manages to translate her photographic ability to the Russian metropolis. Her landscape appears to grow smaller than before, as if she has succumbed to an inherent need of intelligibility.
A seemingly unequivocal, poetic gesture. Still, again this is poetry with a sting.
Shuffling and wavering, the photographer moves closer, subtle variations in the reactions become visible. Like a game, a classic game, between the maker and the portrayed, between intimacy, privacy, social order and gender. Fortunately, sometimes nature interferes, from behind the fence, that red rigorous fence.
Joachim Naudts
27 x 20 cm
32 pages
edition of 200
pre-order before February 21: 18 €
special edition including poster: 30 €
design by Jurgen Malfeyt
published by Art Paper Editions
Publication date: 03/2016

release September 11 - Breda Photo
Paperback, 300 x 220 mm
English text
Full colour offset
Hard cover
edition of 500 copies
72 pages
53 images
35 €
design by Jurgen Malfeyt
published by Art Paper Editions
text by Inge Braeckman
Publication date: 09/2014
ISBN 9789490800239

LATE SPRING - special edition
An exclusive (limited edition of 10) special edition (250€) is available.
Which is a wooden box/frame [ 20x30cm ], ready to exhibit on your wall, including a mounted image, a colour card game and of course a signed copy of the book .
250 € (shipping not included)
Paperback, 300 x 220 mm
English text
Full colour offset
Hard cover
edition of 500 copies
72 pages
53 images
frame: 36 x 24,5 cm
to order: http://www.artpapereditions.org/APE-040Debby-HuysmansLate-Spring

Publisher: self-published [ SOLD OUT ]
Paperback, 170 x 220 mm, 80p
English edition
edition of 300 numbered copies
Publication date: 07/2010
Price: 20 € (shipping not included)
Available through this website
and in next bookshops:
Europe (Paris)
www.fotomuseum.be/museumshop/ Antwerp
www.copyrightbookshop.be Antwerp - Ghent
www.husson-editeur.be Brussels
www.tipi-bookshop.be Brussels
www.gallery44.be Brugge
www.deichtorhallen.de - Hamburg
www.kominek-gallery.com - Berlin
http://eng.agencyart.ru - Moscow

Publisher: Snoeck Publishers
Fotografiemuseum, Antwerpen
Expo: 20/5/2005 -19/6/2005
Paperback, 215x170mm, 96p,
English edition
Publication date: [05/05]<
ISBN: 9053495320 ISBN-13: 9789053495322
De modernisering van het Westen eist zijn tol. Elementen zoals individualisme, kapitalisme en materialisme halen de bovenhand en verklaren stelselmatig de aanwas van ons asociaal gedrag. Het vertrek naar Polen van de Belgische fotografe Debby Huysmans werd dan ook ingegeven door een vlucht uit de alledaagse realiteit. Ze ging op zoek naar een nieuwe realiteit.
Zo ontstond de documentaire over het alledaagse leven in de dorpjes in het oosten van Polen.
Via een combinatie van portretten, situaties en zichten, geplukt uit de ontmoetingen met de dagdagelijkse taferelen, wordt een documentair werk getoond waarin de fotografe met haar ervaringen en kritieken op het alledaagse westerse leven de wederzijdse beïnvloeding van de omgeving en haarzelf toont.
The Polish word 'elementarz', just like the English 'elementary', refers to the idea of 'starting from the basics'. In this book, we see the life in Poland and particularly the life in the Polish countryside in its most elementary aspects: school, family life, the changing of the seasons. When you see these pictures, you meet the people, smell the rooms, live their life in its daily, basic reality. The present-day world shown by Debby Huysmans is not that idyllic, but far more realistic. The photographs show us that the little girl's doll can be broken. That it's difficult to dry the laundry in the harsh climate of eastern Poland where Huysmans spent several weeks of her life to come back with these illuminating images.
Price: 16 euro (shipping not included)